15 November 2018

Tenant assisted by the Inotek Foundation, Akhsan Fahrurozi, (CV. Taman Permata) who developed “Sanjo” Beauty and Health Soap from South Sumatra was declared to join workshop in England for the Leadership Innovation Fellowship (LIF) program with 9 other startups from PPBT program. LIF has been carried out for 3 years, a collaboration between the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Royal Academy of Engineering, United Kingdom (RAEng).

Akhsan Fahrurozi is a young startup from Indralaya Ogan Ilir who is pursuing his education in final semester at Sriwijaya University. Akhsan Fahrurozi produce beauty and health soap products that are based on tembesu fruit extract.

We are very excited and proud of Akhsan achievement.  With Inotek assistance, Akhsan able to join workshop in the UK for 2 weeks. Hopefully this will be an opportunity for Akhsan to make his enterprise expand globally and to increase his business knowledge.

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