Digital Marketing Optimization Training (Go Online)

14 June 2021

Jakarta, 11 June 2021 | Go Online is currently the focus for entrepreneurs to increase their network and sales turnover. The current marketing strategy is not only based on the skills of the sellers in explaining the advantages of a product but also requires a variety of interesting promotional content to be spread on social media, marketplaces, etc.

We know that the problem with some entrepreneurs is that they don’t understand or stutter about modern marketing or go online. In line with the goal of the Build Back National Economy Better (BBNEB) program, which is to rebuild a better economy after the pandemic, INOTEK in collaboration with Sampoerna for Indonesia has held a Digital Marketing Optimization (Go Online) training which was held in a hybrid concept with the beneficiaries entrepreneurs from 8 Rusunawa in DKI Jakarta.

The purpose of this activity itself is to provide an understanding of the importance of digital marketing, provide tips for selling online, and register entrepreneurs to marketplaces and social media. Before this training activity, training had been carried out such as entrepreneurial mindset, packaging branding, and product design, product photos and videos, as well as business assistance and business legality.

Hopefully, this small step can encourage entrepreneurs to rise and can help the national economic recovery. #BANGKITWIRAUSAHA

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